Learn Jaintia – Audio

Listen to basic words and sentences in Jaintia



I Nga
He U
She Ka
You Phi
It Ka
This Kani
That Katea
A Ka
Come(You come) Wan ne
Came Dawan ne
Will come Daw wan
Open Wai
Will open Daw wai
Sit Shong
Walk Lai
Eat Bam
Win Jop
Go Deh
Run Mareh
He is eating an apple. Dang bam soh apple me.
He ate an apple. Dadep bam soh apple me.
I saw the film last week. Nga yoo o ka tu film nintaiaw.
She came by bus yesterday. Wan ko daka bus ynnin.
They went to the mosque. Wan ki na iung mane.
He slept the whole night. Thiah u waroh chimiet.
He wrote well in the examination. Thoh bha u ha ka exam.
He has eaten. Dang bam u.
He had eaten. Dadep bam u.
He had gone. Da lai u.
He had come. Da wan u.
He will eat. Daw bam u.
He will go. Daw lai u.
He will come. Daw wan u.
How many apples are there in my hand? Kat wan tylli ki soh apple wa m ha kti ohh?
How many did you take? Katwan tylli shim phi?
How much did he pay you? Katwan su u ia phi?
How much distance to go? Katwan ka jingjngai u lai?
How was the journey yesterday? Kammon ka lai ka wan phi ynnin?
Which way did you come? Ka wan ka luti wan phi?
Which is your favourite colour? Yi colour wa yubang fi?
Which story did you tell? Kayi ka parom khana phi?
Which is the sweetest fruit? Kiyi ki soh wa bang bha?
Which is the best newspaper in Hindi? Kayi ka khubor wa best bha naka Hindi?
Which Indian state has the largest population? Kayi ka state hapoh India kawa bun bru bha?
Where did you come from? Neiwan, wan phi?
Where did you sleep? Hei wan thiah phi?
Where should I go? Shei wan lai phi?
Whom should I contact? Yei yi u contact ohh?
Is it a book? Kani ka kot?
Is it the answer? Kini ki answer?
Will you come with me? Daw wan phi wa nga?
I shall come with you. Hap wan ohh wa phi.
Can you give me your pen? Hoi hi u ae khulom fi ia nga?
Yes, of course. Hao, shim.
Do you love me? Maya hi phi ia nga?
Yes, I love you. Hao, maya hi ohh ia phi.
Can you lift the box? Hoi hi u rah fi tu synduk?
Can you write the exam? Yea phi thoh exam?
Did you have lunch? Dadep dihcha sngi phi?
How are you? Kammon chait phi?
I am fine. Biang hi.