Learn Khasi – Audio

Listen to basic words and sentences in Khasi language



I Nga
He U
She Ka
You Phi
It Ine
This Kane
That Kato
Come (You come) Ale/ ale phi
Came Nga la wan (I came)/ ki la wan (they came)
Will come Ngan sa wan (I will come)/ kin sa wan (they will come)
Open Plie
Opened Nga plie (I opened)/ u plie/ ki plie (he, they opened)
Will open Ngan sa plie
Sit Shong
Walk Iaid
Eat Bam
Drink Dih
Win Jop
Go Khie
Run Mareh
He eats an apple. U bam soh apple.
He ate an apple. U la bam soh apple.
I saw the film last week. Nga iohi ia ka film mynshem taiew.
She came by bus yesterday. Ka wan da ka bus mynnin.
They went to the mosque. Ki leit sha ka mosque.
He slept the whole night. U thiah baroh shimiet.
He wrote well in the examination. U thoh bha ha ka examination.
He has eaten. U bam.
He had eaten. U la bam.
He had gone. U la leit.
He had come. U la wan.
He will eat. Un sa bam.
He will go. Un sa leit.
He will come. Un sa wan.
What is your name? Phi kyrteng kumno?
What Kaei?
Your Ka jong phi
Name Kyrteng
What did you do? Kaei phi leh?
What should I do? Kaei ngan leh?
What can I do? Kaei kaba ngan hap leh?
What are the questions? Kiei ki jingkylli?
What were the questions? Kiei kiei ki jingkylli?
What is written in the letter? Kaei kaba thoh ha ka shithi?
What you had been told? Kaei kaba kila ong ia phi?
What will be the answer? Kaei ka ban dei ka jubab?
Why did you come? Balei phi wan?
Why did you sleep? Balei phi thiah?
Why did you tell him to go? Balei phi ong ia u ban leit noh?
Why did he bring the bag? Balei u wanrah ia ka pla?
Why did she pay the money? Balei ka siew ia ka pisa?
Why did they sit there? Balei ki ia shong hangtei?
Why do you drive the car? Balei phi ngiah ia ka kali?
Why are they late for the meeting? Balei ki slem ban wan sha ka jingialang?
How did you come? Kumno phi wan?
How did you sleep? Kumno phi thiah?
How did you drive? Kumno phi ngiah?
How did you write? Kumno phi thoh?
How many apples are there in my hand? Katno tylli ki soh apple ki don ha ka kti jong nga?
How many did you take? Katno tylli phi shim?
How much did he pay you? Katno u siew ia phi?
How much distance to go? Katno ka jing-jngai hap leit?
How was the journey yesterday? Kumno ka jingiaid lynti mynnin?
Which way did you come? Na kano ka lynti phi wan?
Which is your favourite colour? Kaei ka rong ba phi itynnad duh?
In which room did you sleep? Ha kano ka kamra phi thiah?
In which class is your sister studying? Ha ka klass aiu ka para ka jong phi ka pule?
Which story did you tell? Kaei ka jingiathuh khana ba phi iathuh?
Which is the sweetest fruit? Uei u soh ba thiang tam?
Which is the best newspaper in Hindi? Kaei ka kot khubor Hindi kaba biang bha?
Which Indian state has the largest population? Kaei ka jylla ha India ba bun briew tam?
Where did you come from? Naei phi wan?
Where did you sleep? Haei phi thiah?
Where should I go? Shaei ba nga hap ban leit?
Whom should I contact? Haei nga hap ban pyntip?
When did you last visit your village? Mynno phi poi khatduh sha ka shnong lajong?
Is it a book? Kane kadei ka kot?
It is a book. Haoid kadei ka kot.
Is it the answer? Kane kadei ka jubab?
It is the answer. Haoid kadei ka jubab.
Will you come with me? Phin wan ne em bad nga?
I shall come with you. Ngan wan lang bad phi.
Can you give me your pen? Long ban ai u khulom jong phi?
Yes, of course. Haoid shim seh.
Do you love me? Phi ieid ia nga?
Yes, I love you. Haoid, nga ieid ia phi.
No, I don’t love you. Em, ngam ieid ia phi.
Can you lift the box? Phi lah ban rah ka synduk?
Can you write the exam? Phi lah ban thoh ia ka exam?
Did you have lunch? Phi la dep bam ja sngi ne?
How are you? Kumno phi long?
I am fine. Nga shait nga khlain.


6 thoughts on “Learn Khasi – Audio”

  1. Please add more, i need to learn Khasi to understand my girlfriends culture and to be able to speak her language

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