Learn Sanskrit – Audio

Listen to basic words and sentences in Sanskrit language



I Aham
He Saha
She Saa
You Bhavan (m)/ Bhavati (f)
It Tat
This Eshaha (m)/ Eshaa (f)/ Etat
That Saha (m)/ Saa (f)/ Tat
Yes Aam
No Na
Come Agachchati
Came Agatavan
Will come Agamishyati
Open Udghatayati 
Opened Udghatitavan
Will open Udghatishyati
Sit Upavishati
Sat Upavishtavan
Will sit Upavishyati
Walk chalati
Walked Chalitavan
Will walk Chalishyati
Eat Khadati
Ate Khaditavan
Will eat Khadishyati
Win Jayati
Won Jaitavan
Will win Jayashyati
Go Gachchati
Went Gatavan
Will go Gamishyati
Run Dhavati
Ran Dhavitavan
Will run Dhavishyati
He is eating an apple. Saha sevam khadati
He ate an apple. Saha sevam khaditavan
I saw the film last week. Aham gata saptahe chalachitram drishtavan
She came by bus yesterday. Saa gatadine lokayanena aagatavati
They went to the temple. Te mandiram gatavantaha
He slept the whole night. Saha aaratrouve shayanam kritavan
He wrote well in the examination. Saha samyak pareeksham likhitavan
He has eaten. Saha khaditavan
He will eat. Saha khadishyati
He will go. Saha gamishyati
He will come. Saha aagamishyati
What is your name? Bhavataha naama kim (m)/ Bhavatyaha naama kim (f)
What did you do? Bhavan kim kritavan
What should I do? Aham kim karomi
What can I do? Aham kim kartum shaknomi
What are the questions? Kim prashnaha
What were the questions? Kim prashnaha aaseet
What is the last question? Amtimam prashnam kim
What is written in the letter? Patre kim likhitam
What you had been told? Bhavan kim uktavan
What will be the answer? Uttaram kim bhavishyati
Why did you come? Bhavan kimartham aagatvan
Why did you sleep? Bhavan kimartham shayanam kritavan
Why did he bring the bag? Saha kimartham syutah sweekritvan
Why did she pay the money? Saa kimartham dhanam dattavati
Why did they sit there? Te tatra kimartham upavishtavantaha
Why do you drive the car? Bhavan kimartham karayanam chaalayati
Why are they late for the meeting? Te goshtayartham kimartham vilambam kurvanti
How did you come? Bhavan kadham aagatvan
How did you sleep? Bhavan kadham suptavan
How did you drive the car? Bhavan kadham karayanam chalitavan
How did you write? Bhavan kadham likhitavan
How many apples are there in my hand? Mama haste kati sevafalani santi
How much money did he pay you? Saha tubhyam kiyat dhanam dattavan
How was the journey yesterday? Gatadine pravasaha kadham aaseet
Which way did you come? Bhavan kadham aagatvan
Which is your favourite colour? Bhavataha priya varnaha kim
In which room did you sleep? Bhavan kasmin prakoshdhe shayanam kritavan
Which story did you say? Bhavan ka kadham uktavan
Which is the sweetest fruit? Madhuratamaha bhalam kim
Which is the best newspaper in Hindi? Hindi bhashayaha sarvashreshthaha vartamanapatram kim
Where did you come from? Bhavan kutaha agatvan
Where did you sleep? Bhavan kutra suptavan
Where is the manager’s cabin? Niyantrakasya kakshaha kutra asti
Where should I go? Aham kutra gachchami
Whom should I meet? Aham kam milami
Is it a book? Kim etat pustakam?
It is a book. Etat pustakam
Is it the answer? Kim etat uttaram?
It is the answer. Etat uttaram
Will you come with me? Bhavan maya saha agamishyati va
I shall come with you. Aham bhavata saha agamishyami

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