Learn Kuki – Audio

Listen to basic words and sentences in Kuki



I Ke
He Ama
She Che nu
You Nung
It Che he
This Che he
That Che hu
A Ahh
Come (You come) Hung au
Came Ah hung a
Will come Hong d hae
Open Ki hong
Opened Aki hong tae
Will open Hon d tae
Sit Toe
Walk Wah
Eat Nay o
Drink Dono
Win Haat
Go Chei
Run Khlai
He is eating an apple. Ama apple na a.
He ate an apple. Ama azaom wa apple ane.
She came by bus yesterday. Che nu zahania bus na ahu a.
They went to the village. Amo ho kho sangha ah tse he.
He slept the whole night. Ama aza ane kho va ah e e mukhae.
He wrote well in the examination. Ama exam na pheta sa asu nae.
He has eaten. Ama ane tae.
He had eaten. Ama ane a ta.
He had gone. Ama atse e dae.
He had come. Ama ahung tae.
He will eat. Ama anyae dae hae.
He will go. Ama atse dae hae.
He will come. Ama hong dae hae.
What is your name? Namin epi ham?
What Epi ha
Your Nang ah
Name Min
What did you do? E pi nabol hae ta?
What should I do? E pi kabol hae ta?
What can I do? E pi kabol tae dae ha?
What are the questions? Ah question o epi ha?
What were the questions? Ah question o epi ha?
What is written in the letter? Chae letter I p kesu naha?
What you had been told? Nung e p nasae e p e o?
What will be the answer? Ah answer e pi d ha?
Why did you come? E p ding ha na hung ha?
Why did you sleep? E p ding ha e mut ha?
Why did you tell him to go? Ama e p ding ha tsui e nating ha?
Why did he bring the bag? Aman e p ding ha bag in joi ha?
Why did she pay the money? Che nu khung e p ding ha suum p ha?
Why did they sit there? Ama ho khu laya p ding ha tho waha?
Why do you drive the car? Nang e p ding ha car drive nabol le ha?
Why are they late for the meeting? Ama ho meeting dingha p danag ha late ang ha?
How did you come? E tin hung ha?
How did you sleep? E tina e mut e na?
How did you drive? E tina tol hena?
How did you write? E tina sut e na?
How many apples are there in my hand? Kakuna apple ezat maha?
How many did you take? Nang e ezat nikala ah?
How much did he pay you? Aman ezat napi ya nang?
How much distance to go? E chan che nalai dae ha?
How was the journey yesterday? Ja nia ha na journey echu pang nae ha?
Which way did you come? Kui langha kuna lung ha?
Which is your favourite colour? Na favourite colour epi ha?
In which room did you sleep? Kui lai room ani mut ha?
Which story did you tell? Epi story nasae ha?
Which is the sweetest fruit? Fruit ason pen epi ha?
Which is the best newspaper in Hindi? Hindi ahh newspaper apa pain epi ha?
Which Indian state has the largest population? Epi indian state na population alim pain epi ha?
Where did you come from? Kui langa kui na lung ha?
Where did you sleep? Hui la nehe mut ah?
Where should I go? Hui la ha kat c d ha?
Whom should I contact? Koi pain ka contact d ha?
Is it a book? Che he le eka ham?
It is a book. Che he le eka ha.
Will you come with me? Tae tho nahung d ha?
I shall come with you. Tae nam ko nang ko tae hae.
Can you give me your pen? Na pen a p thae d ah?
Yes, of course. Hae kne.
Do you love me? Nang e k e nung c amm?
Yes, I love you. He ne nang kano sik ne.
No, I don’t love you. Kin nang polo sik pu.
Can you lift the box? Che box e nagak ahh tae ha?
Can you write the exam? Na eing exam na sut thae d nam?
Did you have lunch? Suun buno niat ta aam?
How are you? Eto naba I nam?
I am fine. Tae kapa nae.


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